Process for CFI:
- Please be sure to send out your custom Tenstreet application link first.
- Please review the application and make sure it is completed and qualified before moving forward.
- Please tag Tiffany (she will be the only contact between CFI and us and will be the only one to transfer applications for CFI moving forward) per their request.
- Please text Tiffany when you have a CFI application to be transferred.
- Switch status to OK TO TRANSFER on Tenstreet, and email Tiffany the top section of the driver’s application- tiffany@bee-exposed.com
- Finally, send the driver one of the two CFI links below for them to complete and sign their releases:
The following documents are needed before Tiffany sends driver application to CFI:
- Two personal References
- Front Back of CDL
- Med Card
- DOT Long Form
(If driver does not have the long form Amanda will order them to get a new physical)
Request info from driver through Tenstreet and Share with CFI
CFI can get these guys approved within the same day if we can get all this info uploaded.
COMPANY DRIVER LINK: https://intelliapp.driverapponline.com/c/contractfreightersinc
***Please make sure that the applicants don’t live any further south than Orlando FL